Biodiversity: Assessment And Conservation
Biodiversity refers to the diversity of biological species and the ecosystems in which they live. The survival of mankind greatly depends on biodiversity which meets the diverse needs of man right from food, fuel, fibre and medicine. Over the last few decades biodiversity has been a matter of focused attention due to very rapid loss of biological species forever from the biosphere. Biological diversity is, in fact, the very basis of human existence on earth. Its conservation and wise management is likely to be critical to the very survival of humanity.
The present book "Biodiversity: Assessment and Conservation" incorporates articles on biodiversity and its conservation with special reference to India. this volume contains 16 chapters covering information on Plant diversity in Gujarat; Diversity in Forage grass; Conservation of medicinal plant in India; Biodiversity conservation and traditional knowledge; Biodiversity of cyanophyceae; Bacillariophycean diversity; Conservation of biodiversity through Agroforestry; Phytodiversity assessment in J And K and biodiversity of Thar desert. Chapters on economic importance of some flowers And Fruits; Facts And dimensions of biodiversity conservation; Conservation And utilization of plant genetic resources for future food; agriculture and medicine; Forest mapping and Diversity indicators etc. have added to the value of the book. Book provide adequate background And current information on Biodiversity And its conservation covering holistic approach.
This book will be useful for a variety of scholars, environmentalist, botanist, forest people, phytogeographers And conservationists.
Dr. (Prof.) Trivedi PC
555- Biodiversity Assessment and its Conservation Strategies: An Overview
- Plant Diversity in Gujarat: its Status and Conservation Strategies
- Studies on Diversity in A Forage Grass Chloris Swartz (Poaceae) Morphology and Cytology
- Conservation of Medicinal Plant Biodiversity in India: Achievements and Challenges
- Biological Diversity: Need of Future
- Biodiversity Conservation and Traditional Knowledge
- Biodiversity of Cyanophyceae in Sonvad Project Dam and Devbhane Dam of Dhule. Maharashtra (India)
- Bio-Diversity Conservation - Cry of the Nature?
- Economic Importance of Some Flowers and Minor Fruits, Ethno-Ecological Approach of Conservation
- A Study of Bacillariophyceae Diversity in Polluted Lakes of Jalgaon District of North Maharashtra (India)
- Facts and Dimensions of Biodiversity Conservation
- Phytodiversity Assessment At Landscape Level in District Jammu of Jandk State-Linking Remotely Sensed Data with Ground Observations
- Characterization, Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Future Food, Agriculture and Medicine
- Forest/Vegetation Mapping and Area Prioritization for Biodiversity Conservation in Rudraprayag District of Uttaranchal Himalaya Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
- Diversity Indicates and Natural Organisation of Zooplankton
- Biodiversity of the Thar Desert
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Biodiversity: Assessment And Conservation
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Botany , Crop Ecology And Environment , Biodiversity , Environmental Science , Botany ,