A Textbook On Forestry Extension NEW
This book entitled A TEXTBOOK ON FORESTRY EXTENSION gives a comprehensive idea of the theoretical aspects of Forestry Extension and the basics of Extension Education besides covers the communication methods and transfer of Technology in Forestry and Agroforestry.
Forestry and Agroforestry Science is now the need of the hour and the importance of trees outside forests for increasing the green cover and as a resource base for the entire industrial Agroforestry which is inevitable in all the Policy discussions of the Country.
Hence, Forestry Extension organizations and participatory approaches in forestry technology transfer could be an innovative mechanism for the overall development of society.
Forestry and Agroforestry Science is now the need of the hour and the importance of trees outside forests for increasing the green cover and as a resource base for the entire industrial Agroforestry which is inevitable in all the Policy discussions of the Country.
Hence, Forestry Extension organizations and participatory approaches in forestry technology transfer could be an innovative mechanism for the overall development of society.
Dr. Fernandaz CC
Table of Contents..
1 Basics of Extension
1.1. History and Concept of Extension Education
1.2. Growth of Agricultural Extension EducationÂÂ
1.3. Conceptual Background
1.4. Extension - Meaning
1.5. What is Extension?
1.6. Definition
1.7. Scope and Importance
1.8. Philosophy, Principles and Objectives of Extension Education
1.9. Principles of Extension
1.10. Extension Education
1.11. Extension Educational Process
1.12. Differences between Formal Education and Extension Education
1.13. Functions of Extension
2 Extension Education Methods
2.1. Definition
2.2. Meaning
2.3. Functions of Extension Methods
2.4. Classification of Extension Teaching Methods
2.5. Selection of teaching methods and factors influencing the selection of extension methods
2.6. Individual contact methods
2.7. Group contact methods
2.8. Method Demonstration
2.9. Meetings
2.10. Mass contact methods
2.11. Audio-visuals
3 Forestry and Extension
3.1. Forestry Extension Education
3.2. Importance of Forestry Extension Education
3.3. Forestry Extension Programmes
3.4. Implications of Forestry Extension
3.5. Forestry Extension in India
3.6. Van Vigyan Kendra
4 Forestry Extension Communication
4.1. Origin
4.2. Communication
4.3. Basic Functions of Communication
4.4. Elements of Communication System
5 Types and Barriers of Communication and Models of Communication
5.1. Types of Communication
5.2. Based on the Form
5.3. Based on Direction/Criteria
5.4. Barriers to Effective Communication
5.5. Communication Models
6 Diffusion- Meaning, Definition, Elements
6.1. Diffusion
6.2. Innovation
6.3. Innovation Decision Process
6.4. Adopter categories and their characteristics
6.5. Factors influencing the adoption process
7 Modern Communication Methods
7.1. ICT and Extension
7.2. TNAU Agritech portal
7.3. Telephone and Mobile Phone Technology
7.5. Expert system
7.6. Village Knowledge centre
7.7. DEMIC
7.8. Consultancy clinics
7.9. Agribusiness CentresÂÂ
7.10. Geographical Information System (GIS) applications in e-Extension
8 Extension Programme Planning
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Need and Interest
8.3. Collection of facts
8.4. The rationale of programme planning
8.5. Forestry Extension - Programme Planning
8.6. Communication in forestry extension programmes
9 Forestry Extension OrganisationsÂÂ
9.1. Forestry Organizations
10 Participatory Approaches
10.1. Rapid Rural Appraisal
10.2. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
10.3. Scope of RRA and PRA
10.4. Importance of Participatory approaches
10.5. PRA ToolsÂÂ
11 Eco-Tourism and Tribal Development
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Ecotourism: Concept and Policy
11.3. Definition of Ecotourism
12 Social Forestry
12.1. Introduction
12.2. History
12.3. Joint Forest Management
13 Community Forestry
13.1. Community Forestry: Meaning
13.2. Community Forestry - Importance
13.3. Origin of community forestry
13.4. The concept
13.5. The evolution of community forestry in practice
13.6. Impact of community forestry
14 Pre-Independence Extension and Rural Development Programmes
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Stage I. Pre-Independence Era (1866-1947)
15 Post-Independence Extension and Rural Development Programmes
15.1. Introduction
15.2. Ettawah Pilot Project
15.3. Nilokheri experiment (1948)
15.4. Community Development Project (1952)
15.5. Grow more food enquiry committee (1952)
15.6. National Extension Service (1953)
15.7. Key village scheme (1952)
15.8. Intensive Agricultural District Programme (1960)
15.9. Intensive Cattle Development Project (1963-64)
15.10. Operation Flood (1970)
15.11. Training and Visit (T&V) system (1974)
15.12. Integrated Rural Development Programme (1978)
16 First-Line Extension SystemÂÂ
16.1. Introduction
16.2. National Demonstration
16.3. Operational Research Project
16.4. Krishi Vigyan Kendra (Farm Science Centre)
16.5. Trainers Training Centre
16.6. Lab to Land Programme
16.7. Technology Assessment and Refinement (TAR) - Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP)
16.8. National Agricultural Technology Project
16.9. Agricultural Technology Information Centre
16.10. National Agricultural Innovation Project
17 Innovations in Field Extension
17.1. Introduction
17.2. ATMA
17.3. Farmer Field SchoolsÂÂ
17.4. Participatory Extension Approaches
17.5. Different Participatory Approaches
17.6. Five-Year Plans In India
18 Social Science in Forestry
18.1. Introduction
18.2. Social Science in Forestry
18.3. Thematic Areas of Research
19 Human Resource Management in Forestry
19.1. Introduction
19.2. Functions of Human Resource Management in forestry
19.3. Forest Management and Planning
19.4. Forest Resource Assessment
19.5. Human Resource Development
19.6. International Sustainable Forest Management (ISFM) standards
19.7. Education and training
19.8. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
19.9. Forest Infrastructure Development
19.10. Forest Research and Development
19.11. Forest Management Information Systems
20 Trading and Marketing of Forest Products
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Global Trade of Timber Products
20.3. Distribution channel for forest products in India
20.4. Distribution Channel 1: Direct or Zero level Channel
21 List of References
22 SociologyÂÂ
23 Extension Education
Book Details
Book Title:
A Textbook On Forestry Extension NEW
A Textbook On Forestry Extension NEW
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